Jan 29, 2013 | khussey | 798 views
Sluggish start, Strong finish
The Mustangs struggled from the opening faceoff to find any kind of flow their game. As they second period opened they played with more spark, but it seemed that they needed the intermission to finally find their legs. The third saw an entirely different squad attacking the offensive zone and creating opportunities.
Lucknow won this contest, 3-0 in the first in a series of 6 Provincial qualifing matches to be played. With having five games remaining the Mustangs are not out of the running yet. Especially if they play like they did in the third period of the game tonight. Burbidge, Nelson and Hussey all created opportunities on either turnovers or off the rush. Sepoy's goalie made some strong positional saves on wrap around attempts by sqeezing the post and smothering the puck, although on Hussey's attempt the puck slithered through her pads and edged ever so close to the line before a Lucknow defender arrived to slide the puck back under the protector of the woven cage.
Upper Maitland also created a couple of scoring attempts in the second period while on the power play.
This kind of effort is only seen accasionally throughout the game. Putting forth aggressive play on a consistant basis would give this team a more favourable result more often.
You have the ability, why are you afraid of success?